Your audio and video systems greatly affect your congregations experience and the effectiveness of your on stage presenters
Every Worship facility depends on quality technical systems in order to effectively communicate their message to the congregation. From full range sound reinforcement, to speech reproduction for clear delivery of the message with clarity, a sound system plays an important role.Audio Systems
Sound design should provide a consistent experience across the entire worship space, communication without distractions and a compelling, emotional music experience.
Video Systems
Video projection for song lyrics, sermon graphics and scripture displays, along with properly designed lighting can help to create an atmosphere conducive to worship.
Audio Clarity
With our experience and the awesome technologies now available, we can bring clear, intelligible sound to the most challenging sanctuaries.

Why work with Smart Systems?
Our Work
- Automation
- Home Theater
- Audio Systems
- Video Systems
- Security Systems
- Video Walls
- Meeting Spaces
- Training Rooms
- Special Projects
Virginia Engineering Lab
With Custom Video WallGreenway Farms Meeting Space
With Projection and SoundBradley County Commission
Featuring Cameras and Recording SystemInteractive Help Desk Area
With Commercial DisplaysKeller Williams Training Room
Featuring Automation and ProjectionParty Fowl
Featuring A/V, Surveillance, and NetworkCatoosa County Commission
Equipment Upgrades and ADA ComplianceHospital CEO Zoom Room
With Zoom Rooms SoftwareTop Floor Executive Boardroom
Featuring Automation and ProjectionEPB Boardroom
With Crestron Upgrades and NetworkingWell Advantage
The City's wellness center.Elegant Conference Room
Corporate Board RoomRiverstone Wine*Spirits*Brew
Surveillance, A/V, NetworkingState of Confusion Restaurant
Audio, Video, NetworkingCompact Glass Meeting Space
Video and AirmediaFinley Stadium Skybox
Sony TVMcKee Foods Video Wall
Creative video wall.U.S. Xpress Boardroom
Video Wall and Audio ProcessingBridgeview Condos
CCTV & Access control systems....Conference Room
Video conferencing room.Museum Bluff
Access control system.Parkview
Access control system.Coca-Cola Training Room
Large community/training room.Large Bakery Conference Center
Corporate HeadquartersCoca-Cola Conference Room
Executive conference room.City of Chattanooga
City Council ChambersLookout Presbyterian Church
Motorized retracting projection screen.Chattanooga Country Club
New recreation and fitness facility.Lake Drive Baptist
Audio system improvements.Village Volkswagen
Automotive DealershipRoadtec
Corporate Training FacilityWoople
Training CenterCBL & Associates
Open Office and Meeting SpacesCommand Center
Video wall command center.Miracle League Baseball Field
Quality PA and audio system.Role Model Camp
Simple presentation system.Open Office
Huddle spaces and digital signageCrisis Center
Video Wall & DistributionOur Clients
We have had the opportunity to work with some great companies- we would love to work with you!