
Crestron’s Network Security: An Overview

Crestron is a brand that you may not know readily by name, but one you have likely encountered somewhere without realizing it. They provide electronic controls systems, from lights to sound to temperature controls for luxury homes, digital screens and speakers for conference rooms, and digital signs and retail displays.

Crestron’s success comes from their commitment to network security, which is how they’ve won over some high profile clients. Crestron is responsible for the conference rooms at Microsoft’s HQ in Redmond, seven out of eight Ivy League Schools, and in one of the situation rooms at the Pentagon.

Government Meeting Room

The Crestron method is simple: if someone or something is on your network, you will know about it.

The Crestron Process

Crestron’s major selling point comes from the fact that they offer a unique, bespoke package for each of their clients, and they leave nothing to chance.

This process involves analyzing the spaces that they enter in order to evaluate the most effective solutions for the individual customer. After all, the needs of the Pentagon are different to those of a luxury home, so Crestron tailors everything they do to make sure they meet the needs of their clients.

Once they have assessed what is needed and created the system, there is then a process in place which provides the best in network security.

According to Crestron’s website, here’s the step-by-step process they go through to ensure the security of any given network: First they assess the risks that apply to the specific system they are working on. It’s important for them to understand the existing framework and any gaps that may not have been considered. Then things become granular. Crestron reviews every line of source code for two main reasons. First, to ensure that the code is working properly, and then to make sure that it aligns with best practices. Once established, the source code is then tested and scanned so that automatic tools can flag up any common mistakes that are made, as well as any gaps in security that might not have been considered. Finally, a nightly test is performed to ensure that anything erroneous or unplanned isn’t happening.

This focus on the minutiae of network security allows Crestron to provide an agile and evolving security network which can rise to meet any challenges.

Focusing on the Product Level

The other major advantage that Crestron has is the understanding of the products that can be security risks. Again, the following features have been taken directly from Crestron’s website, which you can browse here, but I’ll quickly explain what each one does.

AES Encryption: AES Encryption fundamentally works to ensure secure transmissions.

802.1x Authentication: 802.1x Authentication is an IT department’s way to ensure that every device on the system is authorized by the IT security team.

Active Directory®: Active Directory offers you a centralized credential system that can guarantee only authorized users can access the network.

JITC Certification: Crestron has been approved by the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) of the U.S. Department of Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), as well as being added to the Unified Capabilities (UC) Approved Products List (APL).

PKI Authentication: PKI provides the kind of security that is needed when a password isn’t enough to confirm a user’s identity. It also works as a validation for the information that is being sent between users.

TLS: TLS is the most widely used security protocol. It establishes privacy and data integrity between two applications as they communicate over the same network.

SSH Network Protocol: SSH Network Protocol goes further than Telnet and Network AV in order to protect and encrypt communications.

HTTPS: HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP (the “S” actually stands for secure). When data is sent from your web browser to the website, HTTPS encrypts the data which ensures the privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.

Secure CIP: CIP works to guarantee that Crestron control processors and DM NVX communications are completely secure.

Overall, Crestron operates by understanding the threats that face network security before the worst can happen so they can effectively prevent them. This common-sense attitude and focus on details is the major reason that they are trusted by some of the most secure places on earth.

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About the Author

Clay is our Enterprise Sales Engineer. He is responsible for working with our enterprise clients like Blue Cross Blue Shield and TVA to help them with office technology. He is married and has two kids.

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